Over on the right you will see a rather special button - its to the Library Ladies' Just Giving Page. Lots of the library ladies are entering the Race for Life in memory of Maree Ashton who used to work with them. She died last year and the staff all wanted to do something to commemorate her life and remember her by. So, they are all going to enter the Race for Life! Josh's Mum will be doing two events as most people want to go to one of two venues - I am hoping to sneak into both of them too - but am not sure if I will be allowed to join in, me being male! Oooooerrrrr - Josh's Mum just told me that she wasnt joking when she said she was going to dress me in pink to get me in...hmmmmm not too sure about that idea, think we need to think it through a little more! Anyway, if you would like to support the ladies by making a donation then please just click through on the right hand side and go for it!
And finally - did you see me on See Hear??? Well actually, you can only get a glimpse of my legs now and again! But I still think this counts towards my 5 minutes of fame! Its on BBC iPlayer now - so go ahead and play "spot the monkey!".
Night Night Monkey Monkey x
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Thanks for taking the time to leave me a message - I feel all loved and squishy now! Monkey Monkey x